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About CaptainPure

CaptainPure is a cloud-based voucher centred e-commerce platform centred around providing health and safety products to companies via auto-generated vouchers. CaptainPure offers a two-pronged model for not only B2B but B2C procurement, end-to-end tech as well as logistical solutions such as warehousing, redeemable vouchers and even doorstep delivery of healthy and safety items like sanitiser kits and masks.

One-stop Hub

Benefit from an all-in-one e-commerce solution that generates and distributes cloud based vouchers, ordering and storing all healthy and safety products, as well as providing backend support such as monitoring of supply chains and logistical support.

Maintain Cash Flow

With flexible payment options, Captain Pure allows companies to balance their cash outflow. They can pre-order in bulk, allowing companies to pay as and when they actually access those specific product orders. This eliminates the risk of upfront payment, allowing companies to maintain their cash flow.

Quality Tested Products

All products undergo multiple quality tests, undertaken in association with credible partners. All products are tested before being shipped to consumers for complete safety assurance.

Seamless Logistics

From procuring and providing storage facilities, to sharing real time stock updates and even processing orders. Captain Pure’s very own warehousing facilities and logistics coupled with flawless dashboard systems, providing a timely service and an easily accessed ecosystem.

Zero-waste Purchase

With each company’s own online account and personalised dashboard, and even real time monitoring, businesses can buy any product and keep a precise inventory across any and all locations. Our trend analysis enables them to buy-as-they-need and allows all companies to stay stocked up and all essential products.

Avail Storage Facilities

Companies that order from Captain Pure can take advantage of their warehousing systems, located in prime sports all around the world, managing and maintaining customer stocks efficiently on their behalf, thus avoiding additional costs of renting or buying storage space.

what they offer

Services & Benefits

Captain Pure makes available personal safety products in bulk to ensure employees and work teams stay protected at all times. All consumer friendly tech platforms and robust logistics networks, ensures a full 360 degree solution for all companies.

Bulk Order & Flexible Payments

Place bulk orders and enjoy flexible payment options.

Company Account & Dashboard

Take advantage of a corporate account and unique dashboard, giving complete access to orders.

Warehousing Facility

Warehousing facilities across prime locations across the globe.

Real-time updates

Companies can get updates real-time, of their stocks, allowing them to replenish/reorder when you need.

Relevant Case studies

Case Study Six

Case Study Six

February 12, 2021